JM Beauty Center - шаблон joomla Скрипты

ILIRIJA 1908 shower gels

ILIRIJA 1908 shower gels follow the tradition of popular herbal shampoos of nettle, birch and chamomile, which are appreciated by customers for their quality and natural extracts. Shower gels are based on a vegan formulation and besides herbal extracts, also contain moisturizing ingredients that provide rich skin care. You can choose from five pleasant scents: birch with urea, oats with lipids, calendula with panthenol, rosehip with saccharides and ehinacea with hyaluronic acid.

Available in 230 ml size.


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Shower gel with an extract of echinacea and moisturising hyaluronic acid for renewal and hydration of the skin. Gentle flowery scent.

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Shower gel with an extract of calendula and moisturising panthenol for a rich moisturising and calming effect on the skin. Sweet flowery scent.

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Shower gel with an extract of oats and moisturising lipids for in-depth hydration. Prevents loss of moisture in the skin. Gentle creamy scent.

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Ilirija 1908 juniper shower gel with juniper essential oil and moisturising allantoin promotes hydration and has an invigorating effect on the skin. As a result of its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, it is also suitable for skin prone to irregularities.

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Shower gel with an extract of birch and moisturising urea for faster skin renewal. Prevents loss of moisture. Fresh wooden scent.

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Ilirija 1908 Rosemary Shampoo stimulates blood circulation to the scalp and inhibits hair loss. Its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action also makes it suitable for scalps with dandruff. The shampoo does not contain synthetic perfumes but rather gets its pleasant scent from the incorporated essential oil.

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Shower gel with an extract of rosehip and moisturising saccharides for hydration and flexibility of the skin. Rich flowery scent.